- BUG: There was a JavaScript error in the front end if the Google Maps files were initially loaded by the site's theme or by other plugins.
We strive to make Locatoraid as close to your needs as possible. That is why we release new updates on regular basis to provide you with a dependable online store locator plugin at a reasonable cost.
- BUG: There might appear a JavaScript error after searching in the front end with certain configurations.
- BUG: The custom icons didn't work if the custom map style was used (Pro version).
- BUG: New Google Maps JavaScript code occasionally broke the ability to use custom map styles, now it is fixed.
- Added a configuration option if to load Google Maps in async mode. With turned on it may improve performance but may have issues with caching plugins.
- Updated Google Maps JavaScript code to recent guidelines.
- Security hardening update.
- Ensure compatibility with WordPress 6.7.
- Misc JavaScript adjustments for better compatibility with other plugins.
- Security hardening update.
- Added an option to delete multiple locations through the REST API.
- BUG: rendering of HTML templates used to display results in the front end might have failed with certain themes or other plugins.
- Ensure Wordpress latest version compatibility.
- Minor fixes.
- BUG: map error when locate=1 shortcode attribute was used.
- BUG: when using the search from widget or block and if the main locator page contained the radius drop-down (with radius-select="1" shortcode argument), the initial results list didn't use the radius setting.
- When we configure to display a custom field for an email address without a label on the front end, it now renders the email address as the link title rather than the field label.
- When one of the address fields changed, after update we redirect to the coordinates edit form. The old coordinates still remain rather than automatically reset.
- Security hardening update.
- Bug: code error notices when WordPress debug mode was set to on.
- Bug: the REST API interface didn't work if the request was JSON-encoded.
- Bug: when marker clustering was used with the map options, the info window didn't open properly for locations inside any cluster.
- Bug: the "translate dynamic content" module didn't translate strings that contained spaces.
- Bug: if the "search-bias-country" parameter was used in the shortcode with multiple country options, they were not translated.
- Bug: it might have produced an Ajax error in the front end if an entered search string could not be geocoded.
- Added an option to translate dynamically generated content, such as country names, product labels, custom field labels etc.
- Updated the language template file locatoraid.pot to up-to-date strings used in the plugin.
- Bug: locations coordinates might be accidentally reset.
- Minor fixes.
- Bug: fixed a crutical error that appeared in version 3.9.30 if locations had products/categories in the Pro version with PHP 8.
- Minor fixes.
- Adjusted the map-start-zoom shortcode parameter so it also affects the start state of the map with results too, before it affected the empty map only.
- Bug: minor error notices with PHP 8.2 fixed.
- Added offline zip code database for Netherlands as Google maps might produce incorrect results for postcode search.
- Bug: "where-product" shortcode parameter was not taking effect since version 3.9.26.
- Minor fixes
- If search-bias-country contains multiple options separated by comma then we add a drop-down box with the country list.
- Bug: Configuration, Products, All Options Checked By Default setting didn't take effect.
- Minor fixes
- Minor fixes
- Added an option to turn on all product options by default on a front end page.
- Minor fixes
- Added Gutenberg blocks for the main map with results display and search form widget.
- Minor fixes
- BUG: filtering by product/category may be incorrect in the front-end.
- Code security issues fixed.
- Added {{website_url}} tag to present the raw URL of the location's website.
- BUG: minor PHP notice that might corrupt the wp-admin view in the Pro version.
- Added a shortcode parameter not to display the location title on mouse over the map marker.
- Minor updates.
- Minor fixes.
- BUG: It might result in Ajax error on front end with some data.
- If a custom field content starts with "+", it renders it as tel: link.
- Minor fixes.
- Minor fixes.
- Compatibility with PHP 8.2.
- Minor fixes.
- Added an option to skip automatic conversion to HTML for custom fields (for images, web and email addresses).
- Minor fixes.
- BUG: It wasn't possible to disable name and address display in the list or in the location map details by adjusting the respective settings.
- Minor fixes.
- BUG: When using Locate Me option, the search form resubmit reset the current customer position.
- Disable form submit ability untill our scripts are completely loaded that should prevent potential errors.
- Added options for variable page size in admin locations listing.
- BUG: Fatal error after adding a product on sites with PHP 8. (Pro Version)
- BUG: If marker clustering was enabled, old (now wrong) markers from the previous search were not removed properly.
- Minor fixes.
- Minor fix to avoid possible geocoding freeze when there were too many locations with empty address.
- Minor fixes.
- For shortcode for a single location (with the id parameter) we added the location details display too.
- Minor fixes.
- Added form-after-map shortcode option to display the search form below the map.
- Minor fixes.
- PHP 8.0 compatibility fix.
- Custom fields are also used for search. (Pro Version)
- Re-added an option to share the same database accross all sites of a multi-site network. (Pro Version)
- If the results list is grouped, we added an option to display a select list to quickly jump to a group (group-jump shortcode parameter).
- Misc JavaScript and CSS adjustments for better compatibility with other plugins.
- BUG: Selecting a default custom map icon didn't work properly in the free version.
- Modified the search algorith to prefer geocoding matches over database partial address or zip code match.
- Added an option to determine visitor current location.
- Minor modifications to front end JavaScript code.
- Added a setting to force map language.
- Increased number of custom fields to 20 (Pro Version).
- Added export option for search log.
- REST API moved to the main plugin rather than a separate one.
- Locatoraid REST API interface added.
- Locatoraid's ownership has been changed to Plainware.